How To Pass an OSHA Inspection: 5 Steps You Can Take to Prepare

With vaccinations increasing and implementation of workplace testing, there could be an increase in OSHA inspections to ensure companies are disposing of medical waste properly. Whether you have been inspected before or not, a sudden inspection can be confusing and worrisome if you aren’t fully prepared.

If an OSHA Inspector showed up at your company doors today, how would your company fare? Do you have all your bases covered or could you potentially be facing fines and penalties?

How Does an OSHA Inspections Work?

OSHA inspections have three parts…

1. The Opening Conference – The OSHA Inspector will meet with the employer and their compliance team to go over their inspection plan and explain the reason for the inspection. At this point, the employer will be asked to provide a representative to accompany the inspector on their survey.

2. Inspection Tour – The inspector will tour the facilities and could perform a wide-range of activities including paperwork review, employee interviews and observation of processes pertinent to compliance. OSHA inspectors may also want to see your procedures for handling the medical waste associated with COVID-19 safety, testing, etc.

3. Closing Conference – After the inspection, the inspector meets with the employer to review the findings and discuss any procedures or polices that require correction and a timeline for making those changes. A report will be generated and sent to the OSHA director who will make the determination if a citation or fine is warranted. After that, an employer has 15 days to respond or dispute the citation.

What are OSHA Inspectors Looking For?

OSHA Inspectors are looking for any code violations that illustrate a lack of compliance, whether it is a willing or unknowing violation. These violations could range from serious (in cases where a safety hazard has been ignored or not identified) to willful (any instance that shows disregards for employee safety and lack of action to correct those issues). If an employer has been subject to an OSHA inspection before, there could be repeat violations for failure to correct prior issues or if the employer is using outdated OSHA requirements as the basis of the compliance plan.

Inspectors will specifically be looking for:

• Thorough and up-to-date documentation including, Safety Data Sheets outlining the safe handling and storage of chemicals, OSHA 300 logs that record serious accidents or illnesses in the workplace, vaccination and COVID-19 testing records, and clear plans regarding blood-borne pathogens and respiratory protection.

• A staff that is trained to identify workplace hazards and follow policy protocols to ensure OSHA compliance. They will also be looking for documentation to prove staff training with the type of training provided and dates of completion.

• Code violations including any item that exposes an employee to injury or other health-related risk, procedural issues or improper labeling, handling, and disposal of dangerous materials, and equipment or procedures that pose a threat to employee safety.

How Can You Be Prepared?

To be prepared for an OSHA Inspection, COVID-19 related or otherwise, you should do the following:

1. Stay up to date with the latest OSHA regulations. Your policies should be created with your employee’s safety as the primary concern. OSHA regulations can change from time to time, so staying informed is critical to ensure compliance and avoid fines and penalties.

2. Implement frequent training sessions to ensure management, compliance officers and employees are on the same page regarding safety policies and protocols. Create records of the type of training, who received the training, and the date of completion.

3. Maintain accurate and thorough documentation of all policies, procedures, and protocols. All employees should have access to this documentation and be informed to any changes or amendments. This includes vaccination records and proof of testing per OSHA regulations. Having an organized set of manuals outlining these items is your first line of defense to ensure a successful outcome of an OSHA inspection.

4. Prepare compliance officers and employees for any interaction with an OSHA inspector. Let them know that they may be interviewed by the inspector and establish a protocol for answering questions about their role in ensuring the highest levels of safety in the facility. An employee should feel confident that they can answer any question posed by an OSHA Inspector.

5. Walk your facility regularly and look for any issues that might raise a red flag with an OSHA Inspector. Talk with your employees to make sure they are aware of safety policies and understand the procedures as set forth in your compliance manuals.

An OSHA inspection (announced or unannounced) can be a nerve-wracking experience and has the potential to disrupt workflow. Fines and penalties are an additional burden on the employer if violations are found. However, you don’t have to shoulder the burden alone. There is help.

At MedSharps, we work with clients on a regular basis to help them with their OSHA compliance issues. When dealing with work-place safety, sometimes it takes an outside observer to identify issues you may have missed. Our team of experts knows what OSHA might be looking for in an inspection and we can help you overcome any challenges you might be having (even ones you might not be aware of).

MedSharps can help with a comprehensive plan to dispose of medical waste properly and ensure your policies, training and documentation will be up-to-date and compliant in case of an OSHA inspection.

Visit today to request a free quote.

How To Properly Dispose of Expired & Unused Prescriptions – At Home & In the Clinic

Have you ever wondered what happens to your pharmaceutical drugs once they’re discarded? It is common for both individuals and healthcare providers to find themselves with unused/expired prescription drugs and questioning the proper way to dispose of them. While medical facilities are highly regulated and have strict disposal protocols to follow, at-home individuals might unknowingly consider flushing their unused medications down the toilet or throwing them into the trash. Both of these methods of disposal are improper and dangerous.

When medications are improperly disposed of, they often inadvertently end up contaminating local water supplies, including lakes, rivers, and drinking water. This contamination, known as pharmaceutical pollution, negatively impacts marine life. Fish and other aquatic wildlife remain at a high risk for biological imbalances and changes from pharmaceutical pollution – including stunting the ability to reproduce which could potentially wipeout of entire species.

So how can you help? Understanding how to properly dispose of unused prescription drugs – at home or at your place of business – is the first step. Fortunately, there are multiple options for how you can safely dispose of your prescription drugs, including:

Drug Take-Back Programs
Each year, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sponsors several National Prescription Drug Take-Back Days that provide a complimentary, responsible and safe way to dispose of unused and expired medications. Since its inaugural event in 2016, over 4 million tons of medications have been collected through the efforts of the DEA that in turn keep communities and households free of pharmaceuticals that can potentially cause harm. This event has remained a very effective program for the DEA and one of the most successful methods of drug disposal.

The success of the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Days has inspired additional drug take-back programs at the state, local, and even business level. For additional information about the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Days and to find local take-back programs in your area, visit the U.S Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

MedSharps’ Rx Destroyer™
All non-hazardous medications (DEA-controlled & Non-controlled) including, pills, capsules, tablets, liquids, lozenges, transdermal patches, fentanyl lollipops, & suppositories can be destroyed through the MedSharps’ Rx Destroyer™.

What is the MedSharps’ Rx Destroyer™? This pharmaceutical disposal system is a ready-to-use product that requires no additives or special training to use. This system is as easy as loading, shaking, and discarding your medication.

The system contains patented solution that begins dissolving medications directly on contact. Active medication ingredients are adsorbed or neutralized by activated charcoal. Absorption time varies depending on additive and existing contents. Each container contains a carefully formulated balance of ingredients that will destroy to the capacity of the medication. MedSharps Rx Destroyer™ patented formula resists mold growth, resists bacteria development, and automatically controls internal pressure.

Did you know? Pharmaceuticals that meet certain requirements, and would normally be discarded, can actually be collected and redistributed to participating prescribers. While each state has their own regulations, which can be reviewed by visiting the State Prescriptions Repository Programs website provided by the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), some medications can typically be donated if they meet the following requirements:
• They must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
• They are not expired
• They do not require refrigeration
• They are not a controlled substance
• They have not been opened or tampered with
Though the process varies by location, the proper regulations for donation remain the same including following the steps to remove personal information from the medication, having the proper documentation in place, and secure transfer to an appropriate drop-off site. Through donation, this redistribution allows for a safe and responsible increase in medication access, specifically to underserved communities.

While it is important for all consumers and businesses to be aware of proper pharmaceutical disposal, it is crucial for the healthcare industry. Facilities, including hospitals, doctor’s offices, veterinarian clinics, and many other types of companies must follow strict compliance regulations for proper pharmaceutical disposal. This is the mission of MedSharps. At MedSharps, we take pride in providing convenient and compliant medical waste disposal and treatment so that you don’t have to worry about it. Interested in learning more? Contact MedSharps today for options on the collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal of all medical and biohazardous waste.

Medical Waste Disposal: Understanding the Stages

The multi-step process of medical waste disposal, transport and treatment is a complex process. Few companies nationwide can say they handle medical waste from start to finish…however at MedSharps, we can say this with pride. While the collection of medical waste comes from a variety of facilities, including hospitals, doctor’s offices, veterinarian clinics, and many other types of companies, there are strict compliance regulations that apply to all medical waste generators that must be adhered to by both the facility and the transport and treating provider.


Keep reading below as we break down each stage of the medical waste disposal process and explain the steps taken to remain compliant with the regulations surrounding the waste collection, transportation, treatment and disposal.

Stage 1: Waste Generation by Customer

The medical waste cycle begins through waste generation. Businesses, organizations and individuals can generate multiple types of medical waste in a variety of ways. Let’s start by understanding the different types of medical waste:

  • Regulated Medical Waste (RMW): Also referred to as infectious medical waste or biohazardous waste, this type of waste can easily lead to infections through transfer or saturation of blood.
  • Medical Sharps: Discarded needles used to give shots, administer medications, and/or draw blood.
  • Pharmaceutical Waste: Expired or unused hazardous and non-hazardous medications including but not limited to controlled substances regulated by the DEA.
  • Hazardous Chemicals: Any chemical, including cleaning fluids, that requires a MSDS sheet for disposal.
  • Chemotherapeutic Waste: Materials that have come in contact or contain residual amount of a chemotherapy agent.

A variety of federal and state agencies govern and direct different phases of the medical waste disposal cycle. For instance, OSHA (Occupational Safety Health and Administration) oversees waste that contains bloodborne pathogens, while the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) is the governing body of pharmaceutical disposal.


Stage 2: Onsite & Accurate Segmentation of Waste Trained Professionals

To protect the safety of all individuals involved in the medical waste disposal process, it’s important that anyone handling the waste is properly trained and understands the importance of correctly segmenting the waste. This is done by sorting the waste at the point of generation into specialized containers dedicated to each type of medical waste. For example, RMW waste may be segmented into secure red bags and placed inside larger containers, while other types of medical waste are sorted directly into hard shell containers, such as needles and sharps.


Stage 3: Secure Pickup and Transfer by Waste Containers

When a container is filled and ready for pickup, our licensed, trained and certified professionals will safely retrieve and transfer the waste to the MedSharps waste management facility. To ensure a safe transfer, it is imperative to secure and fasten each container to prevent any spillage or overflow. There should be no visible sign of the medical waste once the containers have been sealed shut.

For individual’s utilizing MedSharp’s Mail-Back Program, be sure to follow the provided packaging directions and adhere to postal requirements specified by  the United States Postal Service (USPS).


Stage 4: Treatment of the Waste in MedSharps State-of-the Art Autoclaves 

Following transportation to our waste management facility, all medical waste materials will be handled by licensed, trained and certified MedSharps professionals. Treatment of the waste is required and conducted in one of MedSharp’s state-of-the-art autoclaves utilizing biohazard bins. The autoclave uses heat to kill microorganisms, spores, pathogens and other bacteria found in medical waste. It is then prepared to be transferred to it’s final destination in the last step of the medical waste process.


Stage 5: Transportation of Treated Waste to Landfills or WTE (Waste-to-Energy Facility)

The final stop in our medical waste disposal process is transportation of the treated waste to a pre-defined landfill or WTE (waste-to-energy facility). Waste that arrives at the WTE gets transmuted into serviceable electricity. The procedure for WTE engages calculated designed broilers that burn up the non-threatening waste in a closed-off coil system. This produces steam that powers turbines and in turn generates electricity. From there, the electricity gets transported to regional utility businesses to power homes and companies.

As outlined above, proper medical waste disposal is comprised of multiple stages that require extreme attention to detail to ensure the safety of all involved.  Each stage is just as important (and necessary) as the next, and required by regulations and compliance laws.


Interested in learning more? Contact a MedSharps professional for a free quote and customizable solution to your medical waste disposal needs.


How Proper Biohazard Medical Waste Disposal Protects the Texas Coast from Shocking Dangers

Earlier this month, hundreds of syringes and needles washed up on the Jersey Shore, forcing beachgoers from the water. Investigations determined that it was the result of people flushing medical supplies, such as those for diabetes.
Biohazard medical waste disposal is vital to protecting the environment and the people who inhabit it. These materials can otherwise end up in lakes and parks, causing harm to animals and plants. They also can contaminate groundwater and the air, causing health problems or even death.
The information below will tell you everything you need to know about biohazard removal, disposal, and treatment. It also provides some tips on things you can do to keep these tragedies from happening in your community.

Biohazard Basics
A biohazard is a material that contains blood, body fluids, or human or animal cell lines. They can contaminate the environment and threaten public health.
Medical waste is a specific type of biohazard. It refers to discarded medical supplies from laboratories or clinical settings.
Biohazard waste can pollute oceans, lakes, and streams. It can seep from landfills into groundwater, which can affect drinking water sources. Burning medical waste in incinerators produces toxic fumes that can pollute the air.

Biohazard Medical Waste Disposal
The complete biohazard management regimen involves several steps. The first is cleaning up the materials. Medical waste disposal companies will know what precautions to take and the equipment needed for safe cleanup.
They also will be able to safely transport medical waste. Next, they will separate the toxic materials from harmless ones. Medical waste disposal companies can then determine storage and disposal methods.

What Can I Do?
There are some very basic things you can do to make your home or business safe from biohazards. One is properly storing them before disposal.
First, get the proper holder, such as a sharps container for needles and syringes. Be sure to keep them away from small children. When the container is three-quarters full, dispose of it according to community guidelines.
Most local health or waste management departments will have collection sites or drop boxes. These include doctors’ offices, hospitals, pharmacies, or even police or fire stations. Some areas have the option of mailing containers to collection agencies.
These easy biohazard medical waste disposal steps can keep harmful materials out of landfills, water sources, and the air. You can feel good knowing that you have done your part to help protect the environment and public health.

Find Proper Medical Waste Disposal Near You
Now that you have an idea of what biohazardous waste is, you take precautions to handle it and know when to call a professional. If you face a major biohazard accident, be sure to contact a prominent company that has a history of medical waste cleanup.
Since 2008, MedSharps has provided biohazard medical waste disposal and treatment services to communities throughout the country. We pride ourselves on attention to detail and safety. Reach out to us today for more information or to schedule service.

A Guide to Autoclaves in the Medical Waste Industry

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. has used over 390 million tests. Plus, an average of 167 million COVID-19 vaccinations. But what happens to the medical waste and how is it safely disposed of?  The disposal of hazardous waste goes through a medical waste sterilizer before it goes to the landfill. An autoclave for waste disposal destroys bacteria through pressurized steam.
Learn more about autoclaving biological waste in the medical industry here.

What Is an Autoclave for Waste Disposal? 
An autoclave is a sterilization machine that uses heat to kill microorganisms and spores. They are typically used in healthcare industries. That’s because the majority of waste from a hospital setting contains biohazard or infectious material. Biohazard material can threaten human and animal life if not properly disposed of. That’s why a waste autoclave machine is an important process to treat waste before its final disposal. Most medical waste autoclave manufacturers have the training to provide the safe removal of your waste products.

What Is the Process of Autoclaving Biological Waste?
First, medical waste goes into a biohazard bin that goes inside the autoclave. Next, the autoclave fills with pressure and steam for a set period of time. This can be between 30 minutes to an hour depending on state regulations. The steam must also reach a certain temperature to kill bacteria. On average, this will be between 250° to 300°F. Afterward, the pressure releases and the temperature returns to its original setting. Now, the waste is sterile and can go into regular landfills.

What Types of Medical Waste Can Be Autoclaved? 
Autoclaves are designed to sterilize regulated medical waste. That means anything that has contaminates of blood, fluids, or infectious materials. These include:

  • Used bandages
  • Gauzes
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Used or contaminated sharps (needles, syringes, and scalpels)

Containers of sharps that are also contaminated can go through the autoclaving process. But they must be FDA-approved and only hold biohazardous sharps. Failing to label or mislabel medical waste containers can lead to significant consequences. And potential damage to the environment.

The Disposal of Hazardous Waste: What Can’t Be Autoclaved? 
Some medical waste is not suitable for autoclaving. This is because the 250° to 300°F heat is designed to process bacterial waste. Materials that you should not autoclave include:

  • Radioactive materials
  • Corrosive chemicals
  • Chemotherapy waste
  • Some expired medications
  • Pathological waste

It’s important to abide by regulations on medical waste and know what materials are suited and not suited to autoclaving.

Try MedSharps Medical Waste Sterilizer Services Today 
An autoclave for waste disposal is the safest and most effective way to rid medical waste. Do you need help with the disposal of hazardous waste? Are you tired of looking for a medical waste autoclave for sale online? Try Medsharps. They are your regulated medical waste experts. We provide our medical waste sterilizer service straight to you. We will pick up your waste in our biohazard containers. Then transport it directly to our autoclaving biological waste treatment facility.
Don’t risk improper medical waste disposal, contact us today.