Biohazard Waste Disposal in its Many Forms

Biohazard Waste Disposal in its Many Forms

biohazard waste disposalSeveral pounds of biohazard waste might be generated by a single medical facility in the course of one day. From soiled linens to syringes, this waste must be controlled during every working minute so that patients and employees alike remain as healthy as possible. There’s not just one way to dispose of the waste, however. Biohazard waste disposal companies offer several different containers for use around every medical facility. Get to know biohazard waste disposal in its many forms so that each item can be secured as safely as possible.

Bagging It

The simplest form of biohazard waste container remains the standard bag. Similar to a garbage bag, these bright-red products can be filled with lightweight items. They’re used most often in surgical areas where soiled linens and paper products can be thrown out in bulk. Facility managers appreciate the bags’ bold color so that every person knows that only hazardous waste can fill the interior. They’re created out of incredibly strong plastic, which keeps every item secure between the facility and the disposal company.

Using Sharps Containers for Biohazard Waste Disposal

Sharps are items that have the ability to stick individuals, including needles, lancets and other products. Their disposal process must be specialized in order to keep those sharp edges away from exposed skin. Sharps containers bolted to walls throughout a medical facility are commonplace. A simple access point allows personnel to drop items into the secure bin. Biohazard waste disposal employees take the items or containers during their next trip. Some medical facilities may have sharps container available to patients as they treat themselves with insulin shots and other medications. Controlling sharp pricks in any facility is always a top priority.

Taking Back Expired Drugs

Another form of waste disposal is taking back expired or unused prescription pills. Certain government agencies offer a take-back program, or a local disposal company might have connections in the industry with proper protocols. No medical facility should throw away or flush pills and liquid medicines. These medications can find their way into the wrong hands or harm the environment. Facility managers should work with their local disposal professionals in order to create a regular recycling program that protects everyone in the community.

Employing Basic Receptacles

With so many specialized receptacles in one medical facility, it’s helpful to know that a basic container is available. Facility managers can add simple, red receptacles to any work area. These containers have locking lids and bright colors to catch everyone’s eye. With the exception of sharps, almost any other hazardous item can be placed in these bins. Some managers may want to designate certain containers for specific uses, such as pediatric or geriatric waste needs. The overall goal is to keep every hazardous item out of the regular trash.

Specializing in Organic Disposal

Medical facilities that operate on patients will usually have some form of organic waste, such as tissues or complete organs. Facility managers should work with their biohazard professionals to formulate a plan for tissue disposal. Certain containers can be made available for each surgery, or facilities can opt for more than one receptacle type in their stock. Working together for unique, medical needs is part of a successful business relationship.

Every medical facility has slightly different biohazard waste volumes compared to others in the area. Waste managers must work closely with their Medical Waste Company because extra containers or more frequent removal visits might be necessary during busy periods. Being aware of container loads and medical waste pick up schedules will keep these soiled items away from workers as the facility remains sterile for everyone in the building.

For more information about biohazard waste disposal and the proper removal of biohazard waste to an offsite facility, visit