What is the Process for Medical Waste Collection and Treatment?

medical waste collection, medical waste disposal companiesUnlike standard trash tossed into garbage containers, medical waste must be treated with caution and care. Hazardous waste and dangerous objects often fill medical waste collection containers. All public facilities must work with reputable medical waste disposal companies to collect and treat materials in a safe manner. There are specific procedures to secure, transport and discard medical waste throughout the nation.  Continue reading “What is the Process for Medical Waste Collection and Treatment?”

Most Practical Medical Waste Disposal Methods are not the Safest

medical waste disposal methods, medical waste removal companiesAll hardworking employees use physical and mental shortcuts to streamline work tasks. The medical industry is no exception to this rule, but specific daily procedures cannot be altered. Medical waste disposal methods are in place because of their safety standard adherence. Although some procedures may not seem practical, they are the best way to keep everyone safe on the job.  Continue reading “Most Practical Medical Waste Disposal Methods are not the Safest”

How Licensed Medical Waste Companies Came to Exist

licensed medical waste companies, biohazardous waste disposalOnly a century ago was biohazardous waste disposal a foreign concept. Body fluids, tissues and other organic waste entered traditional garbage channels from every medical facility. Waste control became an important idea when scientists realized how germs and viruses spread across communities. As a result of many research experiments, licensed medical waste companies came to exist because of several critical factors.  Continue reading “How Licensed Medical Waste Companies Came to Exist”